Friday, April 27, 2012


Only post stories and essays here. So we don't get cluttered, right?


  1. Perfection
    Is she attainable? Perfection is a state where there is no wrong, only good. No mistakes, no errors. Heaven on earth. Earth is a place of mistakes, errors. How then can we hope to reach perfection?
    The facts must be placed towards us, head on, poignant. Man is fallen. For man to be fallen and perfect is an unrealistic assumption.
    Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. -Matthew 5:48
    Here we have found contradiction. Inspect deeper however, and remember one thing. The Bible was not written in English, but (the New Testament) in Greek (koine). Not only are certain words slightly more or less meaningful throughout different languages, but also throughout different time periods.
    Take the word "gay." Suppose you are a dinner guest of the most noble family you know. Shall any of you be willing at the time of your departure to tell your hostess "Thank you, for such a gay evening!" Of course you wouldn't. The meaning of that word today and two hundred years ago are entirely different, so much so, that we are uncomfortable even to positively refer to anything as "gay."
    Hence, is it not altogether possible that there are different meanings between these words?
    If you cannot grasp this, reflect on the word "as." As is like an equal sign. It combines two things together. Not just two things, but two similar things. Hence we are similar to God, not in natural appearance, but in being, or mindset. How can man possess the mindset of God?
    Realistically, we cannot easily explain this. I can explain another way. We have all experienced the mental pain of cramming for exams. We reach a point where our minds go "Darn it, no more!" It is followed by nauseating pains. To know like God knows, our minds would have to be boundless. God is infinity. No limits. So to be like Him we would therefore be also limitless. Our human nature however knows limits. We cannot survive certain temperatures. We can only learn what our brain will hold. Our brains do not regenerate. When we are born, we are upon the climax of what we could learn. By the time we learn our first word, we've already lost so much potential brain power.
    Man is built to serve God by striving for perfection, not by reaching it. If man reached the perfect place, it would have no need of God. We would be gods because of our nature. We would be unable to contain the power. So we must live, in a sense, like dogs chasing our tails, but in another sense, we do have purpose. To by striving for that unattainable goal, give praise to the Boundless One.

  2. The Portland Declaration
    Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn's The Portland Declaration, is an essay of ideology, on man, Society, and State. Twelve main ideas can clearly be seen, with numerous minute ideas alongside them.
    First, Erik states that there MUST be a God, since the universe cannot have possibly been created by mistakes and accidents. Secondly, Man is above all other animals and things on earth, because we understand and feel emotions, and things matter to us by a deep rooted love not instinct. Erik's third point is that Man has a connection to the Spirit Realm, feeling both God and Satan. Fourth is our human equality, or rather inequality. We are all equally important, yet in different ways; one may not be as great a writer as Shakespeare, yet Shakespeare is not at all capable of driving a car. That humans desire to be around those who are alike them, we also enjoy diversity: whether people, or places, or ideas, or anything. This is his fifth point. The sixth point argues over political oneness: if we allow our country to have one accepted way, one form of education, one party, it will come by the sword, not peacefully as its advocates say. Seventh, the Leftist movement is wrong, and harmful. The eight major point is the woman. Long has she been stay-at-home and not worked, and though she excels with the family, it is perfectly fine for the woman to work if she so desires. Some work, however, as tough physical labor like coal mining, executors, etc., are best done by men, for the woman's dignity and overall nature and makeup. Erik's ninth point is on the family, the marriage of a man and woman. It carries the future and should solely be under the parents, never allowing another human Power to dictate it.
    Tenth, we have the idea that our society should be closed, yet open. Let teachers be proud of being teachers, without blocking out people of other professions, as doctors, or lawyers, etc. This reaffirms not equality but inequality. His eleventh point is that the State exists because of sin. It must protect the country as a whole, not control the individual. Obedience to the State (as long as right by God) is necessary and can be pushed by punishment for disobeying. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the State tends to look for more power. We should do all we can to avoid slaving unnecessarily to her.

    1. sounds a WHOLE lot like what the Words proclaim... uk it lol. good to have folks come out and say it tho

    2. very good nonetheless,.... bc its from the word lol

  3. Gods
    Let us say there is no god. Whether Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, or whatever, leave it aside.
    So the world was made by chance. Not only by chance, but by the chance of a chance. Therefore it is reasonable to excuse my murder of random people, for chance allowed them to my path, and chance allowed the bullet to hit its mark.
    Now I steal a woman's purse; she chanced to turn onto the same street as I.
    I push someone off the Brooklyn bridge. By chance, this person was near the edge when I decided to push someone.
    Without a god, everything can be written off.
    Let us now assume that someone did stand up to my acts of violence, and I am now in a court. It is decided I am a murderer and thief. I have a defense! By whose standard is murder not okay? All cultures without a form of religion towards some god seem not to care. Most do. If there is no god and the masses of humanity believe so, murder is okay. Right and wrong is based upon a knowledge of superiority. Why else do leaders of non-democratic nations get away with breaking laws? They are the law. All culture with a god has right and wrong. No god, anything goes.
    So we have seen a glimpse of a godless world. Is this what we look like? No! For there is indeed a god. The discussion of which god is THE god does not stand in this essay. As soon as all gods are wiped from earth, man shall be free to do as he wishes and none can say who is wrong.

  4. Humanity

    Humans. A race of barbaric, back-biting, proud, insubordinate, willful primates, who are the bosses of nature and yet are willing to bow to it. A group so lost and intensely evil, so utterly disgusting, that drives to control the other. Yet, as a Gothic cathedral in the slums of India, or Lebanon cedar on the shores of Madagascar, though it seems unheard of, it is there, in essence, a beautiful being, those few who are true and not beasts. Those who are in heart and action good people.
    These" good people" are in action different from the others, and yet as beings, the same. The difference is due to the fact that ALL HAVE A CHOICE.
    Normally, in nature, all choices result in a positive or a negative: positive, no matter the degree, as positive and negative, no matter the extent, as negative, howbeit; here there are three choices with the balance towards a slight to great degree of negativity.
    The first or lowest degree in the negative, is through simply NOT taking any step at all, but humanity (the same as cursed humans) TENDS to negative WITHOUT a feeling of being wrong, which we may call "nature." (It is important that we never use this "nature" as excuse for shortcoming, since it is in fact a choice.)
    The other negative step, which ranges from mediocre to high according to steps taken, is the hardest to change. There are those who do wrong as a conscience-turning action. These are leaning towards a mediocre negative, opposed to ones who do wrong in still a conscience-turning way, but still SEEN as wrong in humanity's eyes, as murder, or towards those who unconsciously do wrong, as a compulsive liar.
    The ones who do wrong in man's eyes, the criminals, are PORTRAYED as the worst in human society, (yes, some are, as murderers) but unconscious wrong-doers are the worst, because (though it seems small) the wrong they do, is so habitual, they have learned to harden towards it, and they actually TREAT it as if it is acceptable or not important. (I am not saying that those in jail for theft or bootlegging should not be punished by the law. They SHOULD be punished. On the other hand, I am not trying to say that a compulsive liar should be in jail. I am merely speaking as to each man and woman INDIVIDUALLY, and that their actions [more so the wrong ones] are to be judged by themselves according to what their HEART [if it was not hardened as it is] would say.)
    Now, the second reaction, and third choice, is taken in a small step towards what is right. (This NOT ONLY right in man's eyes, but also in the form of some religious writing like the Bible, [to which I answer, but do not force any other to] Koran, Epic of Gilgamesh, or any writing to any religion [of course, some are not accepted by man in general as human sacrifice of various cults].) The purpose of religion is NOT to do good to man (not that religion is not good, but:) religion is man's relation to a Greater being, and in following, certain actions are followed as a response to the Greater being. As one lives their life in their religion, they will be different from those other humans.
    As stated, humanity DOES tend towards the negative, but our actions can and do decide where we will stay.

    1. i believe thats a good way to put it, not perfect as a whole (the balance is good) but it is basically right. but remember that it's not the individual that makes TRUE truth (redundant, i know) or a religion.

  5. Love-- Extended Definition

    What word can define the true meaning of love? Love is the great mystery; the Paradox. Love is a place of madness: a desire so intense that nothing can stop it from reaching his beloved. It's why soldiers die for their countries. It's why two people are willing to come together and be joined as one- why they are prepared to face any storm that would tear them apart. That's true love.
    It however, is not a changing feeling. It's not here for one moment, gone the next. It's never ending- a waterfall of patience and forgiveness.
    Most importantly, love is the reason man exists. God desired companionship; relationship; people to love. He knew they would mess up. He knew they would break His heart. Love refuses to let go of his beloved, willing to take on hardship for that moment of beauty. So God made man. There was fellowship.
    Man, however, could not completely grasp love. We betrayed God's command. We sinned against our maker; our lover, but it was love who forgave us.
    It was love who came to earth, a helpless infant born in a manger. It was love who grew up surrounded by his creation, but unknown to them. It was love who was spit on, beat, whipped, mocked. It was love who staggered up the hill Golgotha; who carried a splintered tree; who had nails driven through it's feet and wrists; who was cursed at in his moment of greatest pain. Love was all of these things.
    And it was love who in a bloody mess looked up to His Home, the place where He belonged and cried, "Father, forgive them." That was love. That was Jesus. That was true love.
    Here is the only correct word we can use to speak of what love is, not weak child's love, but true love, pure and unpolluted: God. God is love.
    Love then, is the gift which God gives us humans. Love is what man was given when he walked away from fellowship. Love is God taking care of his beloved. Even through all the mistakes we make, God never turns away, because He is the definition of love.
