Sunday, March 18, 2012


Still working out those ever so cunning details,
But with much folk at work, we'll see many posts to come.


  1. "Ètoile"

    Every day,
    Every thought,
    Of every burning second,,
    Memories the life.
    What should have been,
    But is not.
    No longer hoping
    For what we could make,
    But what we had.
    It's one step forward,
    Two steps back,
    This isn't forward progress in the lightest.
    Ambition seems,
    A nasty ghost,
    After dreams are dashed
    Upon the shore.
    Only one question remains.
    Are you able to forgive me?
    It's a lot to ask
    (Oh, I know)
    But with everything I am
    I swear
    (By the Hunter's bow)
    It's different now.
    I have taken on eternity
    (In just a moment)
    (Oh, I know)
    I can't do this without you.
    I need you
    With me.
    Only one question remains,
    Are you able to forgive me?

    1. I was thinking through this one a little bit. There's symbolism for sure scattered throughout. You have the title, which "Etoile" obviously has some meaning beyond what I know (maybe you can explain some of that, hrsofconspiracy), then the one that stands out to me is the lines:
      "I swear
      (By the Hunter's bow)".
      I think there's some hidden truth we can learn from it. Would you like to share some of the writer's thoughts, hrsofconspiracy?

    2. "Etoile" is french for star. Hunter's bow refers to Orion, which goes back to star. Its sorta like "The stars guide us" not that i believe that but its a fun topic

  2. "A Moment, Embalmed"

    It's one of those things
    That strikes fear
    Into your heart.
    Tonight we could die.
    Yet if we get this right,
    We'll live to fight
    Another day,
    Another war.
    Our weak sense of foresight,
    Unaware of what's in store.
    We'll live to change something.
    My hollow chambers
    Are crashing together;
    I'll be stuck
    Like the Conscience's fly.
    There's no escaping
    What we've made.
    All our gods
    Are useless now,
    As useless as the hands
    That built them.
    We swam the ocean
    To find we're still the hunted.
    Fates are tricky things.
    What brought us here?
    My Will or Fate?
    What guides your axe
    Across the guilty's neck?
    If it's not my Will
    It must be Fate.

    Glimmers the sun
    Upon Death's drum
    And I trash my ideology.
    "Today's a good day to die!"
    No, it's a great day to live.

    1. Wow. Power packed in many ways. I see the idea of "Fate" vs "Will" as a theme. The major thing about "fate" that everyone must realize is that there is no such thing as actual, "fate". What it represents is the idea of Creator, and the Master's plan which overrides any sense of our "will". So fate in and of itself is nonexistent, however, understanding through the lens of Fate being the King of creation, it deepens the fact that we can rest in Him, and "No, it's a great day to live." Our purpose is only in Him. It's all good. Any further thoughts, hrs?

  3. "Our Graves"
    Today whilst in an undying world
    Amidst all our dying kin,
    Traversed upon
    Some boy too young
    To lie here among the old.
    Oh, what fell his frame?
    A shame!
    Such a young, young child.

    Today whilst in an undying world
    Amidst all our dying kin,
    Traversed upon
    Some old man,
    Whose wooden cane
    Bears his weight.
    His back bent o'er
    By life's long work.
    Does he fear Death?
    Or with open arms
    Call to Her?
    For there his soul
    Lies partially.
    His deep brown eyes,
    What wars have seen?
    What hopes,
    What love,
    What life?

    So I say
    Mourn the young.
    Whose lives have gone
    Before the wars
    And victories,
    Before life was Life.

    So I say
    Salute the old.
    In long years they overcame
    All that this world
    Has at them hurled.
    Then with snow hair
    They lay to sleep
    And in Death shall never weep.

    1. After a long fight through life, it's clear that the "old" or the man/woman advanced in years in this life has seen and overcame much of the problems here. It should be an encouragement to us that are now young, that even though we have a long way to go in life and it seems distant finding out what His will and meaning for us is, we can look to these men and women of faith in the Word and the somewhat older generations who've gone before us to see that there is hope and we don't believe in vain. But our ultimate model is the Model of the Risen, Himself. Interesting one.

    2. we have the advantage of youth (that is if you are young, of course) bc we can choose to do right bc theres still our lives (if he allows) ahead of us

  4. "Anne-Solstice"

    Staring right in your eyes,
    I know the words I want to say,
    But I'm tongue-tied
    And breathless
    (Yeah, you take my breath away.)
    Your night black hair
    And onyx stone eyes.
    The fairest child
    Of our land's patriarchs.
    The voice which speaks
    Like the ocean's lull.
    Her face akin
    To the angel's child,
    The smile bears
    The siren song.
    Oh glorious lilac
    Of emerald meadows.
    Child of the sun
    Child of the moon.
    Prithee tell
    Your name.

    1. Is this a particular person? ♥♥♥? lol jk I got the idea of it but i would like toknow if this has some meaning in your life, is it personal or just a cool "poetic" thing you've done? I love the vivid imagery, btw

    2. actually i used a ton of things ive read before to write it. but yah its u know like poetry haha

    3. So i guess that means, YES, it is a special someone!

  5. "The Blackest Friday"

    Flesh torn for me,
    Blood bled for me:
    Calvary, Calvary
    Where purging breathed in Life.
    Splintered cross,
    Of rugged hands made,
    Burning the open flesh
    Where whips of metal,
    Glass, bone, stone,
    Have torn away humanity.
    Staggering, still walking,
    Bearing the guillotine,
    Remorseless device
    Of ancient kings.
    Hell's proudest toy.
    There is no joy,
    In such a place.
    And at the Skull
    Nine inch nails
    Pierced your wrists,
    To the tree,
    Pierced your feet,
    To the cross.
    Lifted up
    And into the ground,
    Joints ripped
    Like mongrel dogs tearing flesh.
    Divine. Divine.
    Such a sanguine death.
    Hell is sanguine.
    Hell is sanguine.
    Divine. Divine.
    Flesh torn for me.
    Blood bled for me.
    Divine. Divine.
    Hell is sanguine.
    Such a sanguine death
    For the King of kings.
    Don't paint a royal picture.
    This was meant to hurt.
    In the pain, Life.

    1. I love that. We need this view on the cross, other than, "OH I'm in love with the cross, it's so sweet to me..." why don't we see more of this in the Chrstn world? are we afraid? Awesome "poetic".

    2. "... In the pain, Life."
      That's perfect. You present the reality of suffering He went through for us, then you slam all of that with a hint of hope. Life.

    3. One more reply:
      I just wanted to note as well I'm reading about the crucifix. in Luke right now, so it's cool that you posted about it here. I might post some poetics on here later 2 maybe relating to this topic.

  6. Title: Where Do You Stand? (Motivation)

    Things never work out as planned
    I shouldn’t say “never”
    However it made for a catchy opener
    So I’ll take the point and now run with it
    (You see)
    Imagine a picture
    A frame, multi-colored
    With melting paints, sifting downright
    Eyeing the floor as a goal
    Imagine a man
    A shell, hanging
    With bloody palms, shifting down…
    This is the scene
    That saved the lost
    And separates all life into two

    When you put your plans, dreams as gold
    Reality becomes silver
    And Truth sits as bronze
    What do you put on your pedestal?
    (Or, Who do you put on your pedestal?)

    Picture a reflection
    A waterfall, flowing and tipping
    With downing drops, dipping deeply
    Wandering in their circle until they feel something (what are they feeling?)
    Picture a people
    A community of reasoners, looking
    With all their creations, still to no avail
    Never to hit stop
    This is the place
    That haunts us
    And all a “try” can do is make you fail

    Standing on these grounds
    Do you see purpose and reason to exist?
    Can you see any motivation to move?
    Will you believe in a justification, a redemption
    And give in your desires
    Your plans
    Your wants
    Your dreams
    Quit with total surrender
    All for an end of satisfaction
    For meaning, and for uncontaminated devotion?
    The choice is there
    You will choose no matter what
    Truth will remain whether or not you will stand beside it.

    1. Uh that name? Motivation? Yeah that's the new name. Just "Motivation". NOT "where do you stand?"

  7. Wars of Love

    Oh if we could take
    Our feelings
    And toss them
    To the abyss.
    Then perhaps
    I'd feel again.
    Oh for storms
    To drown our souls,
    And end the suffering.
    What man is this,
    Who lieth here?
    He has fallen prey
    To love.
    Mourn the ones
    Who lieth here,
    They have fallen prey
    To love.
    Oh for a war
    That is fought
    For motive pure.
    Oh for a grave
    To hold the dark,
    And not only
    The beloved.
    Oh for equality,
    Oh for our kings,
    Oh that we understood!
    What we have desired
    Is contrary
    To what we've built.
    We slay the weak
    In wars of love.

  8. The Kiss of Death

    I am the temptress.
    My red locks
    Jade-green eyes,
    I have all
    But won your heart.
    Grasp my hand
    And bow to me.
    I am the Widow.
    When in the end
    You embrace my face
    I will pierce your flesh
    I will bleed you dry.
    Worry not,
    Oh warrior king,
    Come unto me.
    Leave all behind
    Be joined with me.
    Lover, come
    Let us take our fill
    Of love until the morning.
    When we awake
    Then you shall pay.
    I will strip
    Away your wealth,
    Your kingdom, too,
    Shall be lost.
    All for a moment
    You will crumble.
    Come unto me,
    Oh handsome youth,
    I am the temptress.
    Come unto me,
    Oh sovereign king,
    I am the temptress.
    My kiss of death
    Shall spell your end

  9. Mourning, mourning;
    Longing, longing
    Just so I
    Can see the morning.
    Hopeless optimism,
    Of the boring.
    Was Life made
    Of grandest plans
    Then she'd be
    The grandest mess.
    Perfection is as
    A phantom,
    But glory 'sof
    By our fall
    We then rise up,
    By the night
    The sun alights.
    Strength is from
    Our weakness made
    For in life,
    Naught has worth,
    Save that by
    Blood was bought.
    In sacrifice,
    We are made new;
    The human face
    Shines, oh, so bold.

  10. I thought it necessary to post this. This encompasses all our standard and Word.

    Without A Word [verses that help: Prov. 16:20, Ps 119:9, 43, 72, 89,105-107]
    What is a world, a world without a word of worth?
    They claim that sticks and stones will break your bones
    Yet words will never hurt
    The steep and perverted thoughts of liar’s gold
    Then, even then
    We believe them,
    Without a word.

    In this proofless town in the universe
    They say actions speak louder than words (no excuse not to act on right)
    Words’ worth sits below actions and stones
    Fighting and actions are all you have and all you are,
    And the only standard to follow is what each molds,
    Without a Word.
    Without a word.
    Without a word.
    Without a word, to say.

    They say the words that we cling our hearts to
    Are pages of legends and myths (legends, myths)
    They call truth “storybook” and wisdom “blindness”
    Yet who is the one, blind of mind here,
    And who’s the one without standard?
    Life is hopeless when all that you have is yourself;
    And you know not a standard (oh)?
    Life is hopeless when all that you do is just breathe
    I have a word for you.
    I have this Word for you.

    The hatred that you store in your life,
    The simple truth that you don’t love, (wasting life with bandy words)
    This and more, you create a life void and empty
    Can’t even see one life that will last
    Yet prove to me, Loveless, that you can still love,
    Without a Word. [Am7 picking]
    Without love, you have nothing.
    Without hope, you have yearning.
    And with the faithless, nothing is the only [possibility].

    (Understand now that a whisper
    Has the love of life and the pierce of death in its very power, [Prov. 18:21]
    You wield the sword that wounds and heals
    Have you heard a word, yet?
    Oh drunken soul, drinking the lies of wordlessness!
    Where are we, ones with words?
    Are they these words in front of our eyes truly true?
    I can’t put this into words,
    I cannot even speak,
    Without a Word…)
    (Ooh, Oh, oh…)
    (The only words perfect are of Him)

    Behold the commands, each one at a time
    (without a word)
    Conform to them, word for word
    (without a word)
    Love this new law better and higher than your manmade
    (without a word)
    Eat your words and make them melt by the Fire Tongue
    (without a word)

    Turn, now
    Fall back
    Loving arms
    Have stretched for your hearts
    You gave and sent Your Word, God.
    You gave Life to give the end to Death.
    Hearts now move into the hopeful present (Oh, God)
    Speak, now; put Your words in our mouths (Grant us Your voice)
    One who’s been as good as his true word: (we take Your word)
    That’s what we’ve always needed!
    (We live in the body of the faithful One,
    Who gives the living word.
    We have a word, (a word…)
    Thank you that you didn’t leave the Messengers without a word...)

    1. That's good stuff. I like the idea words actually mean more than actions. Think about it. Most good people are remembered by what they said. Cuz what we say seems so small and easy to remember but they contain our DNA in a sense.
      And does Messengers have to do with the ABR album? (the old one) I've never heard it but the name has to do with Messengers

    2. It has so much meaning behind it that i would have to explain WaW in person. No the messengers is just more of another name for "chrstns" more or less. The idea is being without a standard first (without a word) then realizing you dont have a word, without the Word. Then once you give in, conforming to the Word, you become open to the Word and you have a word/Word now. Make a little sense?

  11. "A Song for Hania"

    But I will never die
    I will fall,
    Amidst the war
    Raging and ravaging.
    Take your sleep
    Old men,
    And hand to me
    Your bayonets.
    I will not die
    My heart is strong,
    My eye is quick.
    My sword will slice,
    Naught shall suffice,
    Or hunger quench,
    The dragon whence
    He has awaked.
    Young men
    To arms!
    Now grasp
    The sky.
    Great stars
    Guide m,
    Great Spirit,
    Wage war.
    Eclipse our world.
    Then shall I

  12. "Forever" Samuel Rockitt

    Forever you, forever me,
    Forever two, forever be:
    Be one, under the sun
    Together till the end.
    Until storms rend
    The world apart,
    And our souls depart
    To heavenly realms
    Where God embalms
    That we call "Love."
    Forever you, forever me,
    Forever I love only you.

  13. As She Awakes

    Let's replace our humanity
    With a bit of deity.

    Oh no I
    Could ne'er be god,
    And since I can't
    For sure you aren't.
    What kind of a god
    Would despise his creation?
    There's a reason we'll never see eye to eye,
    I'd never stoop as low as you.

    For years now
    My efforts have been
    Sub conscientious warfare.
    Tactics made
    To destroy
    What little pride
    I might have left.
    My mind is raped,
    Left ashamed
    Bombarded by
    One thousand lies.

    There's a reason we'll never see eye to eye,
    You'll never rise up to where I stand.

    Take your petty offering
    Making way for lurid "peace"
    Sell it to a lesser man
    One who plays with mountebanks.
    See my friend
    I'll never lose
    Because in fact
    I was made by you.

    Every scar,
    Every ache,
    You were the reason
    But now is the season
    Of reckoning.

    Know you this:
    Not for a moment
    Do I need your sympathy.
    You're not the air
    I need to breathe,
    And you're
    The furthest from
    My sun.
    You might have birthed
    This Titan-son,
    But I'm the one
    Who transtood.

    You birthed the monster,
    Now look into my eyes.

  14. Me, Myself- I Fear

    They say that there is beauty
    In the words which I have penned
    I say that truly
    It always just depends.
    Words are just like names:
    What I call myself
    Matters more than what I'm called.
    All is a reflection.
    Who we are
    Shines most through
    When we are
    Is a dangerous game,
    I have called foe
    My dearest friends
    And those I loved
    Have turned on me.
    Seems strange to think
    That our hearts
    Led us astray
    When she is
    Our most noble part.
    I've found peace
    Is a lie
    To cover up
    The restless ones.
    Souls caught betwixt
    Two distinct worlds,
    They bought the words
    That you told.

    1. not really i wrote this b4 that. self doubt? a bit of my mindset is i have to write because i am good at it. sometimes we pretend to be stronger than we are. we are fake. lol thats negative ik but i was still working on the final verse.

      "And Love-
      Oh Love!
      So small a word
      But with what weight!
      By her oft
      Men have died
      Searching just
      To grasp to Love.
      I say perhaps,
      In this place,
      We call Life,
      Maybe Love
      Can lead us Home."

    2. yeah we live fake/false, im writing a poetic project about that. I love that last part, that's another good one a whole too.

  15. I was bred for this moment.
    No dogma can change
    The simple truths.
    I was bred for this moment.
    There is nothing
    Can stand in my way.

    Young man, wipe the dust
    From off your brow.
    There is a truth
    Time has slain:
    Freedom belongs
    To those who die;
    Freedom, my friend,
    Is not free.
    In this moment,
    The mountains shake,
    Aneath the feet
    Of the human race.
    Titanic spearhead,
    Fiendish warmonger,
    The devil's prince,
    Is near at hand.

    I was bred for this moment.
    Up to the clouds
    I will rise.
    I was bred for this moment.
    With the Warrior Angel
    I will ride.

    Hush for a moment
    At the brook.
    Five smooth stones,
    Hear earth's groans!
    Oh the cries,
    Of a young child!
    Does it shake you
    To your bones?
    He who dies
    For the yet alive
    Transcends the one
    Alive for naught.
    This is our resolve.

    I was bred for this moment.
    I march to the beat
    Of the grandest Drum.
    We were bred for this moment.
    Unto glory we ride
    With our King and Savior.

    You were bred for this moment.
    You must stand
    With the Son.
    You were bred for this moment.
    Will you stand
    With the Son?
    You were bred for this moment...

    All creation groans.
    Will you answer?

  16. Fall has never felt like this,
    I think, maybe, I'm in love.
    The way each leaf
    Falls to earth,
    Adorns the ground
    You walk upon.
    Autumnal carpet,
    Weavéd with,
    A red, an orange,
    A yellow so sweet,
    Who could have made,
    Except some Fate?
    The Fate who thought
    To make roads cross,
    When neither sought.
    And at a loss,
    We stood and stared
    Half a moment,
    Even scared.
    Then the torrent
    Of celestial Fall,
    Rushed the scene,
    And all serene!
    Fire red; orange;
    A yellow so sweet,
    Lit the world ablaze,
    And holds captive still,
    Our conjoined hearts.

  17. I never thought it
    Could ever hurt like this,
    And every single tear,
    Wish I could wipe away.
    Look me in the eye
    Baby please don't cry.
    The movements smooth,
    A silent dance,
    Two silhouettes-
    Twists and turns.
    I pull you close,
    I can feel each breath.
    Fill the sky
    The scene evolves,
    All color fades.
    You spin around
    Our arms extend-
    Such distance
    Just like our hearts—
    But I pull back
    And our eyes lock.
    Movements precise
    Carefully made,
    Our figures glide
    Right above a fire
    Up on a rope
    No room to err.
    A slight misstep
    And down you fall,
    But as each memory
    I hold to my heart
    And refuse to drop,
    So your hand
    Is still in mine.
    For if you fell
    I'd be alone,
    A man within
    A dance for two,
    Dancing with
    Naught but a ghost.
    Every ounce
    Of my soul
    Pours into saving you.
    I pull you up,
    And pull you close.
    Fill the sky.
    The scene evolves,
    Bursts with life.
    The dance begins
    Refreshed and new—
    Upon the beaches
    Of the coast,
    Right in the Square
    Of New York,
    Around an arch
    In Paris.
    Every step
    Fluid throughout.
    I never thought it
    Could be beautiful like this.
